
This blog and its contests has its own set of rules. I want to make sure that this is a safe, family friendly environment that anyone can come to and enjoy. As a result anything not abiding by these rules will be deleted or disqualified.


Be kind

  • Treat others the way you want to be treated. If you have something negative to say then either don't say it or find a kind and gracious way to say it. If people are being put down and criticized for what they enter or submit then they won't want to participate anymore. If you are going to comment make sure it is encouraging.

Comments and Entries:

No swearing
  • I want this to be a family friendly environment. Please be considerate of this as anyone can come on here and read the posts and their comments.
Keep it appropriate
  • At worst PG. Like I said before I want this to be a safe place for anyone. I hope everyone understands what this means without my having to go into detail. If you can have questions feel free to ask by emailing me at

Rules for entries:

  • Please follow the rules that are given for each challenge or contest. If all the rules aren't followed then your entry will be disqualified.